Monday, 20 June 2011

Sunscreen: a cocktail of cancerous poisons

"Plenty of water and loads of sunscreen.” Is that what your favorite movie star said about her ultimate beauty regime? Don’t buy it! A recent sunscreen scandal involving Brazilian supermodel, Giselle Bundchen, has definitely put the much desirous sunscreen and herself in the bad light when she spoke against the use of sunscreen during the opening of her line of natural cosmetic products. She then re-issued a statement saying that sunscreen is important as long as it’s safe. However, Bundchen was right for blaming the sunscreens we buy.
Benzophenones, known to be one of the most powerful free radical generators, are commonly used in the chemical industry to initiate a number of chemical reactions. Para amino benzoic acid, aka PABA, and its esters are huge DNA damagers. Aminobenzoic acid is a potential carcinogen and is also linked to cardiovascular disease. Triethanolamine is also an industrial chemical used in detergents, dishwashing liquids, metal-working fluids, paints, photographic processing and printing inks. Did I also mention that these chemicals do the regulars in your bottle of sunscreen?
It only takes an ordinary science student to tell you that these compounds, on exposure to sunlight, absorb sunlight instead of reflecting back the UVA and UVB rays. They then translate that energy into chemical energy, which triggers a cascade of reactions releasing free radicals, (elements that knock off oxygen in the body causing cellular damage), and increases the chances of cancer, degenerative diseases and accelerates the aging process.
Some of the most common chemical sunscreen ingredients, particularly parabens, are “sex-hormone benders,” which mimic the female hormone, estrogen, affecting both males and females. In females, it causes erratic periods, endometriosis, migraine, severe PMS, nervousness, edginess, insomnia, increased breast and uterine cancer, uterine cysts and fibrocystic breast disease. In males, it causes feminization, reduced penis size, breast development, sexual identity confusion, lowered sperm counts, testicular cancer, loss of libido and decreased sensations.
Reduced/blocked imprinting of male behavior patterns on foetal brains and undescended testicles has been noticed in male children born to mothers who were detected with high percentages of these chemicals in their blood during conception and lactation periods.
But, how do these chemicals enter the blood stream? A large amounts of sunscreen slathered onto the skin has the ability to pass through the skin into bloodstreams. And, the longer they stay there, the greater their absorption into the body, thereby compounding the effects.
Scientists are of the view that such a pervasive use of sunscreens over the last century has been responsible for changed sexual attitudes, unhappiness and difficulty in bonding with others — a reason for high alarm that has been ringing for years. Yet, the FDA prefers to put the tabs on silence, allowing the cosmetic industry to profit millions from the sick conspiracy.
Sunscreens may protect against sunburn, which is not a direct cause of cancer, by the way. The scores of published medical data suggests the increased incidences of skin cancers due to indiscriminate use of chemical sunscreens topped with degenerated modern lifestyle habits.
According to a study by Garland, Cedric F., et al published in the American Journal of Public Health, Queensland, Australia has witnessed the highest incidence of melanoma per capita than any other place on earth. Ironically, it is in Australia that a greater advocacy of sunscreens by the cosmetic industry and media exists. The increased SPF factor labeling also tends to make people stay out in the sun longer as they feel protected, but in turn, the increased sun exposure predisposes them to develop these cancers. Remember, too much of anything has never proved beneficial.
Published scientific data has also thrown light on the sufferance of Saudi women from vitamin D deficiency due to a variety of factors from natural skin-color pigmentation, modest dressing to inadequate exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D is simply the world’s best anti-cancer medicine. To optimize the natural production of vitamin D, which is synthesized by our very own bodies and confers protection against cancer in the first place, decent amounts of exposure to sunlight are mandatory.
Could our environmental activities, which are causing a depletion of the ozone layer, be also contributing to the increased rates of skin cancers? The answers are not definite at this time due to lack of research.
Since most of the sunscreen invariably turns up in the seawater due to increased trending of sunbathing and tanning, these chemicals are causing disruptions in the hormonal systems of aquatic life forms, resulting in altered breeding patterns, malformed reproductive organs and indifferent behavior towards breeding. Most of these products, which promise protection, are spelling environmental, health and social disasters.
With the exertion of futile efforts in a bid to protect ourselves against skin cancer, we are slapping ourselves with a clay pack of potential carcinogens that damage our nervous systems, immune systems and fertility.
So, what options are we left with? There are plenty that will protect and respect both our bodies and the ecosystem.

Make your own sunscreen
Purchase a pack of unadulterated zinc oxide from the local drug store and mix it with your favorite lotion (free from all the above mentioned chemicals, of course).
Only purchase sunblock products that are manufactured from natural sources. Do not forget to check the labels on the list of ingredients that are used in creating the lotion.

Eat an antioxidant-rich diet
The best sunscreen is internal sunscreen built from antioxidants. Consuming plenty of antioxidant rich, deep green, yellow and red vegetables and fruits confers natural protection and keeps your skin healthy. Think green spinach, red bell peppers, zesty oranges, purple-red berries, carrots, sweet potatoes and cantaloupe to name a few from the list of superfoods.

Protect yourself
Wear protective gear when you head out into the sun. Wide-brimmed stylish hats and hot colored umbrellas will definitely add chic to that dress this summer season or need I say more? Coconut and olive oils also offer great protection against skin burn. Most importantly, avoid peak hours, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., when sunburn and sun damage is most likely to occur.

Treat a sunburn with natural products
If you do get sunburned, treat it with simple remedies like aloe vera gel, which you can purchase from a food store. Better yet, squeeze it directly from the plant, if you have one. Oatmeal baths are also great for soothing sunburns.
Remember, stay fit, stay healthy and smile! Sunscreen:    a cocktail of
cancerous poisons

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