Monday, 20 June 2011

Healthlines: How the media uses body image

Impossible standards of beauty are being imposed on women. By presenting a difficult-to-achieve-and-maintain image we are encouraged to buy more products and fall into the hands of the cosmetic and diet industries.
Youth is continually promoted and aging for women is seen as a disaster to be targeted with expensive anti-aging creams, moisturizers and sun blockers. Primers, foundation, concealers and light reflecting perfecters all need to be applied before you even think about putting on some lipstick. If all that does not work then there is always cosmetic surgery.  I am not saying you should not have fun with makeup and enjoy your appearance but you should also be aware that some companies are trying to make you insecure so you will buy the latest, improved product.
At a time when young women should be at their most confident this constant exposure to media pressure can be too much and if left unchecked can affect their happiness and joy of life.
I have just been to see an exhibition of dresses and pictures of Marilyn Monroe. She certainly was a very beautiful young woman but also a very insecure unhappy one. The Hollywood machine marketed her as a star using an army of photographer’s stylists who specialized in good lighting techniques to give her this super illusion in photos and on screen. This illusion made her very insecure as her career was based upon her look which was impossible to achieve without hours of preparation and made her constantly late for appointments. The thought of aging would be very difficult and probably the end to her career.
In film today there is an enormous effort by technical teams to create glamorous and unachievable images for the stars. Film is retouched by lighting experts to create just the right shadows to glorify the leading lady. But it is all an illusion and not the reality. As Ingrid Bergman said: “Everything in Hollywood is fake”.
It is therefore important to be aware of what is happening with the media and advertising, so that you can be strong-minded and reject current unachievable standards of beauty, and enjoy the body you have. It is important for mothers to tell their daughters they are beautiful as they are, and for ladies to accept that lines come with laughter and joy but you are still beautiful. Feeling confident and happy is a better look than wearing too much make up and looking anxious about your appearance.

Dieting and exercise
Is important to take good a care of your body not to glorify thinness which could harm your body but so that you can lead an active life.

Exercise keeps yout fit
Regular exercise creates power and endurance, which can help you enjoy more activities. Can you run as far as you like? Do you know the joys of a “runner’s high”?
Find an exercise you enjoy; experiment with exercises you’ve never tried before. Is there an exercise that makes you feel physically empowered? Do that one. Motivate yourself to exercise by reminding yourself about the burst of energy that inevitably follows a workout. Change your relationship with your body. I prefer to play sports or join a class, as I need someone to push me to do more.
Our bodies are miracles, works of art, respect them take care of them and use them wisely. 
And as Khalil Gibran wrote: “Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart”.

Make your own!

Quick Pizza recipe
This is a great family favorite and it is much healthier than frozen pizza and has less salt.
1 medium whole wheat Arabic (pita) bread.
1.5 canned tomato sauce
1 oz mozzarella cheese, grated
1 slice cooked turkey breast, chopped
1/4 medium green pepper, chopped
Freshly ground black pepper
Pre-heat oven to 400F. While you wait, chop green pepper and turkey breast. Spread the tomato sauce evenly over one side of the pita. Top this with chopped turkey breast, green pepper and grated cheese. Bake directly on oven rack for 7 to 10 minutes until the cheese is melted and the pita is crispy. Sprinkle with freshly ground black pepper and enjoy.

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