Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Copenhagen Fashion Week Autumn/Winter 2011-12

Copenhagen Fashion Week 2011 will be held from February 10-13, 2011 at Bella Center. Every February and August, Copenhagen is host to Northern Europe's largest fashion event, CFW 2011-12. On the catwalks is a growing number of new and known Danish talents with a preview of their upcoming Autumn/Winter 2011 collections. And at the three trade fairs, CPH Vision, Gallery and Copenhagen International Fashion Fair, you will find an additional 1,100 exhibitors representing a total of over 2,300 international brand name collections.

The sound of a steam train, were this editorial be able to communicate more than sight and words, would be a giveaway as to where I am. This is Copenhagen's Central Station, and it's is arched roof is leaking. That tells you that it's raining outside, but thankfully each heavy drop falls far from me. It does, however, fall on the catwalk. The fashion models walk on Troopers while in the last year Copenhagen Fashion Week S/S 2011 many famous fashion designer showcased their latest S/S 2011 Collection like Jesper Høvring, David Andersen with his Spring 2011 Collection and Moods Of Norway.

Copenhagen fashion show designed to raise awareness for Scandinavian newcomers and established brands aline and this showing is part of Copenhagen fashion week. A gathered crowd of the commuting public watches on for a glimpse of fashion normally held behind closed doors. And because it's so public it's the first oh so tempo catwalk of the day impossibly long, perfectly shaped legs is pounding the concourse to an up-tempo swing piece. Even a poodle has made an appearance. Despite all this the catwalk still belongs to one thing: detailed, layered, feminine autumn 2011 collection offerings.

The fair will show the strongest selection of design driven Scandinavian brands. More than 260 exhibitors, for example Bruuns Bazaar, By Malene Birger or Tiger of Sweden will be featured there.

Copenhagen Fashion Week with designers like Jil Sander, ,Marimekko Preen or Minimarket. In order to continue with this tradition, ten labels, from Stine Goya to Soulland, will show their collections on the catwalk this time.a

1 comment:

  1. See all the photos of Soulland's, Autumn/Winter 2011-12 Ready-To-Wear collection from Copenhagen Fashion Week.
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